
The research project will respect the regulation on the protection of personal data (RGPD) –including individuals’ voice, images and other information. The prior, informed and explicit consent of the persons concerned (or of their guardians for minors) will be required to conduct the experiments and interviews. Consent will be given for subsequent uses and reuses and can be withdrawn at any time. Participants will be informed of the use that will be made of their data, of their rights and of the modalities for exercising these rights (their modalities will be organized and facilitated). The project will also be supported by a Data Management Plan (DMP) that defines the objectives of the project, meeting both the principle of transparency and the principle of minimizing the information collected. The DMP will also specify the length of time personal data will be kept and the measures implemented to guarantee their security (including pseudonymization). Finally, the project will take into account the advice, opinions and referrals of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) and the Ethics Committee of Le Mans University.

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